Wendy Rubinstein Quiroga
About Wendy Rubinstein Quiroga
Wendy’s practice crosses several disciplines, and she routinely provides counsel to public and private clients in the areas of local government law, Mount Laurel affordable housing, environmental law, land use, planning and zoning law, and regulatory compliance matters. Wendy has extensive experience in managing linear improvement projects, Municipal Land Use Law, Fair Housing Act, Local Public Contracts Law, real estate acquisitions, environmental permitting, industrial site transfers and cleanup, site remediation, historic preservation, tidelands, open space, and compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act and the Open Public Records Act.
Wendy currently serves as legal counsel to several municipalities both as general counsel and as Special Counsel for Affordable Housing. Additionally, Wendy has substantial experience with open space acquisitions and diversions, having successfully navigated the regulatory processes for both the acquisition and diversion of Green Acres properties as well as the acquisition of municipal, county and State owned properties. Wendy is also an active member of the Florida Bar and fluent in Spanish.
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